
Daily Hijab Style: SLOW AND STEADY


Perfection of effort is not required, by the way. 
It is the consistency of attempting 
to work that brings the progress. 
It’s like anything else. If I want to tone muscle, 
lifting a ten-pound weight a few times every day 
will move me toward my goal much quicker than 
hoisting a fifty-pound barbell once a week. 
Yes, it really is true: 
 “Slow and steady wins the race.” 
Just try a little, every day. You’ll see.” 

Hehe, eventhough quotes from Holly Mosier is more about body lifting, but for me that is a beautiful quotes which can be applied in every single side of this life. Slow and steady. You know, in the real world we seldom find something works instantly, except noddles, junk food, and Idols contest. Besides we need a process and work hard to get the things done. This hijab style post rely so much on that quotes. Slow and steady. Remember, slow and steady! You can't be just slow but you don't have any goals to reach. Besides that from my point of view slow here means be patience, so when we wanna reach something we can start little by little, step by step. 

 @Ladyulia on her daily hijab style - slow and steady : // Scarf used as turban hijab: Balenciaga  // Under hijab: Unbranded // Long sleeves purple turtlr neck: Uniqlo // Stripes long sleeves sweater: fmg.co // jumper used as pants: Unbranded // Brown Mary Jane heels: Bettina // Bag: Mirotta Yogyakarta //

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daily hijab style - slow and steady

Follow your heart!
Yulia Rahmawati

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18 comment

  1. sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit ya kak :))))
    btw template sama headernya bagus, simple tapi tetep chic :)

  2. keren header barunya ,,,,suka banget ma wide pantnya ,,,give away masih berlakukah?

  3. Slow? Your Hijab Style slow???

    To me it looks like you;re going like a rocket :).

  4. alon2 asal kelakon, hehehe...

    mau komen ttg header juga: lucu...

  5. Oh wow!
    Amazing pics full of dreamy atmosphere, totally love.

    Cat kisses!

  6. lucu sekali theme blog mu say. mau tau gimana cara bikinnya?? hehe

    love your photo and style..
    Jadi kapan projek kita berjalan..hehe

  7. Cool pics! Love the way you get some roles everytime you make a new post!

  8. mau komen tp bingung gak ngerti bahasanya, ikut nimbrung aja deh :D

  9. love the color combination and also the blurry effect! <3 kak besok dateng yukk ke enterpreneurday nya labschool :D dibuka untuk umum dari jam 8 loh!

  10. Nice outfit! Loving the color combination and the drape effects :) xx


  11. Wah.... Gak ngerti apa bahasanya mba... Salam kenal aja ya

  12. header barunya bagus. templatenya ganti juga ya? bagus :) btw i love that wlp on you

  13. I do like your style here a lot. This outfit is just amazing. And your pics have a fantastic allure!
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  14. MashaAllah, You should also check out heart Hijabs, you will love there hijabs.


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